Monday, 26 December 2016

Advanced Chess Strategies

Learning chess is like learning a new language. You need to play it regularly so you can improve and grasp the skills and strategies needed to win. Chess ‘strategies’ involve setting long-term goals in every game and achieving them, while ‘tactics’ focus on immediate moves. Both aspects go together, since a strategic goal can typically be achieved with the right tactics, and a tactical opportunity is based on the strategy of play you used previously. Signing up for online chess classes can help you understand advanced chess strategies and learn how to use them well. Here are some of the advanced chess strategies you should know about:

  • Do not let your opponent open a file on your king if you castled.
  • Once you have developed a piece, try not to move it again until you have developed other pieces.
  • Develop pieces with the goal of making them coordinate properly with one another. Otherwise, you may find your attacks weak, and you could end up in a losing situation.
  • Eliminate communication between the pieces of your opponent.
  • Seize the center for control, so you can attack better and gain more play.
  • Find a weak spot in the position of your opponent. Knowing and taking advantage of your opponent’s weakness is crucial in chess.
  • Avoid any premature attacks on your opponent. Do not attack unless you have enough force in the field to make it successful. Premature attacks typically cause the player to lose.
  • Avoid making exchanges that can develop another piece for your opponent.
  • Exchange an active piece with an active and similar piece from your opponent.
  • Do not be greedy. There are times when you may find it easy to take your opponent’s pawn, but beware—it could be a trap designed to give your opponent the opportunity to become more powerful.
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