Monday 7 December 2015

Famous Opening Chess Moves: Learn Widely Used Chess Moves Online

Chess enthusiasts still debate the merit of learning opening moves early in a player's chess career. While many agree that learning openings shouldn't necessarily be the priority of beginners and even those in more advanced club levels, they still recognize the need for picking up a few opening moves and making them your own. Learning specific variations and lines will take up much of your study time, which is why it is important to select a program that focuses on the very things that you need at the moment, while injecting other principles that might be useful in the future, such as opening moves, endgames, tactics, and strategies. 

Players would typically memorize chunks of opening theory, but if you have limited study time, taking a more practical approach to learning your chess openings should be in order. Some of the most widely used chess openings you will likely encounter in your chess career are as follows:

  • The Ruy Lopez or Spanish opening is one of the oldest openings in the book, named after the 16th century Spanish clergyman and chess enthusiast who made a systematic study of this particular opening, even though the opening was known well before his time (it was listed in the 1490 Gottengen manuscript). The opening's potential wasn't developed until the 1800s when Russian theoretician, Jaenisch rediscovered it’s potential. This opening creates a potential pin for the D-pawn or the knight so that you can start an attack at once while preparing to castle.

  • The Giuoco Piano opening, otherwise known as the "quiet game" is where white performs a mild attack using his bishop. When this opening is left without an appropriate follow-up, black can easily even up the game with a strong defense in this admittedly passive play. Nevertheless, it has great potential if used properly.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Advantage of Learning Chess from an Online Chess Coach

Learning to play chess at an advanced level requires patience and dedication. You have to master the art of anticipating and planning for the moves of the opponent. One of the best ways to learn advanced skills is to opt for online chess coaching. There are different websites that offer chess tutorials for beginners and experienced players.

The tutorials will teach students the different aspects of the game of chess. Users are taught to apply their reasoning and logical skills to the game so that they can plan and execute moves quickly. They are also taught to respond and thwart an opponent’s move.

It is very simple to learn from these tutorials. Users have to register and select their plan according to their requirements. Once these steps are completed, the lessons are conducted using tools like Skype where the trainers and students can interact as if they were face to face. Online coaching offers several advantages, a few of which are listed here.

  • Ease of access: Students can register and log in for their lessons at their convenience. Most websites offer flexible timings so everyone can set their schedule as per their convenience.

  • Live tutorial: The coaching sessions are interactive and the lessons are conducted using video chat. The instructor is able to explain and clarify any questions that the student may have.

  • Cost effective: The tutorials help students save money as the plans are affordable and can be cancelled at any time.

  • Individual attention: The sessions are one-on-one, allowing coaches to provide undivided attention to their students. It also allows them to customize the sessions based on the skills and proficiency of the students.

  • Online practice: Users get to practice what they have learnt on the online chessboard with other players or against a computer.

Learning chess can be a fun in itself. Once you master a few advanced strategies, you can appreciate and take greater interest in the sport.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Interactive Chess Lessons Online for Your Kids

You can read dozens of books on chess strategy and tactics and still find yourself lost in the boards when playing actual opponents. This is why it is not enough to watch or read about techniques and tactics that will help you win chess—you also need good practice with players that are better than you. Starting your kid young in chess and introducing the game's principles early is a good way to groom them into loving the sport. Enrolling them in interactive chess lessons and programs is also a good way to improve what they know and make them better players. Here are many other reasons why you should consider interactive online chess lessons for your child:

  • It helps boost their concentration and memory. Studying chess innately offers concentration and memory benefits but interactive learning maximizes your kid's visual memory and even improves their spatial reasoning while adding to their increasingly decreasing attention span. Chess, just like many other learning activities help improve children's focus, which makes them learn better.
  • They become more detail and goal–oriented. By studying chess, they work hard to achieve one goal—capture their opponent's king. In doing this, they have to visualize constantly the board and every detail of their pieces, their moves, as well as their opponent's counterattacks. This helps them become more attentive to details and reinforces their ability to strategize, especially when they are guided accordingly through interactive lessons.
  • They become better logical and critical thinkers and enhance their creativity. Chess makes children if-then thinkers in that they constantly have to weigh their decisions about every move. This makes a strong foundation for logical and critical thinking. More than this, chess also boosts creativity and originality as they think up ways to bypass their opponent's strategies and ultimately win the game.

Friday 4 September 2015

Guidelines to Select an Online Chess Coach for Your Kids

Choosing a chess coach can be tricky, especially since there is no strict mold for them. Some great coaches can be all about fun and enjoyment while others are more focused on end results. Some are better at teaching already strong players while others are more gifted at teaching novices. Because not all online coaches are created the same, it is up to you to discern whether or not you want one or the other. Whether you want someone demonstrative, patient, reserved, formal, or casual to teach your child is entirely up to you.

Players of all strengths can benefit from a chess coach. When searching for a good coach, choose someone who can assist your child in diagnosing his or her strengths and weaknesses, style of play, and biases, and provide all the right tools to help them improve in areas that they need to enhance. Beyond these, a good coach should also be able to teach your child ways to develop their abilities and discern areas of improvement on their own.

A good coach has realistic standards. They focus on being accountable and making your child accountable for their learning, which is very important when it comes to maintaining your child's progress. One of the main keys to selecting the best chess coach is to consider the needs of your student and finding a person who can effectively bring their potential to the surface.

Online chess schools are great places to start if you are serious about your child's chess career. These chess learning resources provide you access to all the right tools and the best individuals to teach your child all the basic principles and strategies that they need to learn to be able to develop their skills and competencies in the game of chess.

Thursday 6 August 2015

How to Find Effective Online Chess Schools to Improve in Chess?

Anyone can learn chess by simply picking up a board and having someone who knows the game explain how each piece can navigate around the squares, capture opposing pieces, and eventually get to the opponent's king. However, if you want to be good at the game and learn advanced strategies that can help you beat your opponents or enhance your overall play, it is best to find a proper forum where you can learn chess through a well-designed program, specifically targeted towards your skill level.

The best type of program you should enroll in depends upon the kind of skills you already have as well as your level of maturity in the game. The great thing about virtual chess lessons is that they provide an environment where even young learners can pick up the game fast. Online coaches can provide you or your child the best program to enhance effectively your game.

With the number of chess trainers and schools offering their lessons online, it can be quite challenging to find the right school and the right coaches to trust. Here are some things you should look for in an online chess school, according to the student's age or skill level:

  • Choose a chess school that has provisions for players of every age group and skill level. Lessons should be tailored to match each learner's capacities while also challenging them to push beyond what they already know.
  • Look for a chess school that offers private lessons as well as one that allows collective learning. Both have their advantages, especially for people who learn at different speeds. Private lessons allow you to digest each lesson at your unique pace while a virtual classroom will allow you to experience the social aspect of the game.
  • Finally, find a chess school with highly experienced coaches who are not only knowledgeable in the game but skilled at teaching it to players of all levels.