Monday 6 November 2017

Learn Checkmate Strategies Between Bishop and Knight Online

One of the greatest ways to improve in chess is by studying common patterns that occur in games. Pattern recognition is how you will begin to notice and discover more possibilities and ways to overcome your opponent and take your games to more advanced levels. By learning how to recognize patterns in more complex positions, you will also have less trouble pursuing an endgame checkmate.

In rare cases when you are left with a lone king on the opposing side, and a knight, a bishop, and king on your side, it can be tricky to force a checkmate. When you find yourself in minor piece end games, it is important that you know how to face the situation intelligently. While the chances that you will arrive in a bishop and knight check-mating situation is only one in five thousand, studying these kinds of endgames can be a good way to improve in chess. These are excellent puzzles to test your skills in minor piece coordination and chessboard square control.

A bishop-knight checkmate is a form of lone king check mate that is forced by the opposing bishop, knight, and king. With perfect play, this kind of checkmate can be forced in under thirty three moves, beginning at any starting position where the defensive cannot quickly capture any of the stronger side’s pieces. Exceptions do occur, but they only constitute 0.5% of possible positions.

Checkmates with a bishop-knight-king offense are possible when the defending king is cornered in a square that is the same color as the bishop. To achieve this, the bishop and the knight mist form a boundary that the defending king cannot cross. The two pieces must be in sync with each other and be able to push the king to the desired corner, otherwise, the defending king will be able to run to the wrong corner. The idea of a bishop-knight checkmate is very similar to “boxing in the king” as in the case of a rook and king versus a lone king.

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How to Identify the Strength of Online Tutor for Chess

When shopping around for a chess tutor, it is important that you find a professional who doesn’t only know his or her way around a chessboard, but also has skills in teaching and instruction. A lot of people seeking chess lessons forget that they need more than just a chess master to spar with when finding a chess tutor for their child or even themselves. School or community chess clubs are good places to start when trying to get more exposed to the game. These groups may even provide classes to help you improve your own skillset. However, all too often, these classes are mixed and un-specialized from an experience and skill level point of view. They comprise of absolute beginners, middle-grounders, and more advanced players who have very different needs from each other. This is where a private chess tutor can be of help, as these individuals provide tailored approaches based on the student’s needs.

When seeking out a good chess tutor, it pays knowing exactly what type of courses they offer and are able to teach effectively. Age is a critical factor to consider when searching for a private coach. A chess instructor can be extremely skilled at playing chess, but may not be as good in handling children or individuals of varying skill levels. Chess tutors are no doubt talented in the game, but you want someone who knows how to impart their knowledge based on what level their students are in.

Fortunately, it is now easy to find a chess tutor that specializes in various ages and skill levels through online chess schools that provide courses and programs that cater to different kinds of chess players. One of the best ways to determine the strength of a chess tutor is by looking at the types of students they attract and finding the niche to which you or your child belongs.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Online Chess Learning Is Like Learning by Doing at Home

You can learn chess faster and more strategically if you have an experienced and skilled mentor. Don’t worry if you do not have the time or the budget to hire an actual coach—you can consider taking up online lessons instead. Online chess learning is a lot like learning in an actual classroom, except that the classes are held online using advanced chat platforms and a virtual chess board. Learning chess online can be convenient if you want a more flexible schedule, especially if you have school or work and if you want better access to more coaches who are dedicated to chess education. Some of the best coaches have extensive experience working with adults and children in different chess levels, and some of them are famous mentors of national title holders and world championship contenders.

Another advantage to online chess learning is that you can learn anywhere you want, as long as you have a reliable desktop computer, laptop, or a tablet, and a stable internet access. Hence, you can choose to study and play chess during your free time or at home, even while on vacation. Lessons are tailored to your schedule and your budget. This way, chess can become more accessible to you and to every avid learner who wants to improve and learn from the best coaches.

Reputable online chess schools are able to provide reasonably priced and budget-friendly lessons to everyone. They developed a proven universal curriculum that is used by top coaches, too. Just be sure to verify the reputation of the online chess school and go for the provider that has an excellent track record of successfully teaching its students beginner, intermediate, and advanced chess. Sign up with a reputable online chess school, pick a monthly online plan, and schedule a class. You can attend class by logging into a dedicated chess and chat platform.

How To Become Good In Chess Game By Learning It Online

We all know that practice makes perfect—and this applies to most of the things we do and want to be better at, including chess. While you have the option to self-study, you could miss out on advanced strategies and become overwhelmed with information overload from books and online tutorials if you don’t receive proper guidance from an experienced and skilled tutor. Do you want formal lessons but don’t have the time and budget to hire an actual coach? Consider signing up for online chess lessons. Reputable online chess schools hire only the best coaches who specialize in teaching chess to kids and adults in different skill levels.

Learning chess at your own pace and time will help you become a better player. If you are too distracted by factors like traffic, getting into class on time, or not having time to attend class, you could compromise your ability to concentrate, understand the game, apply the strategies, and play well. By learning chess online, you can have a one-on-one lesson or join a small class with students of the same skill level, and you can learn at your own pace. Moreover, you can have your lessons anywhere as long as you have internet access and a reliable laptop, desktop computer, or tablet.

As long as you choose the right online chess school, you can be confident at becoming better at chess. Sign up and pick an online lesson plan that is right for your budget and your requirements. Some schools offer versatile plans, which you can change or cancel anytime. Schedule your class and add your teacher on a chat platform like Skype, which most schools use. A leading online chess school developed its own universal curriculum that has been proven to effectively teach and enhance the knowledge and skills of its students. A dedicated chess platform is used for the lessons, too, and it lets you play and learn with a virtual chess board.

Friday 7 April 2017

Learning Chess Opening Strategy Can Give You an Upper Hand over Your Opponent

A proper opening strategy may provide you the upper hand in a game provide you with tactics to stump your opponent. Chess ‘strategy’ involves setting and realizing long-term goals while at play, and ‘tactics’ can let you focus on the moves you can do immediately. They always go together, and if you take up chess lessons online, you could learn the best ways to utilize them from the experts. Guidance from chess experts can help you pick up and develop chess opening strategies that can give you an upper hand over your opponent. Here are a few examples of advanced strategies you can consider:


  • The queen may be the strongest piece, but keep a rook or some minor pieces around it to keep her effective.
  • Avoid taking this piece too far out while opening, or it could get attacked by your opponent’s minor pieces.

  • Pawns are stronger if they are arranged in a chain, so avoid splitting and isolating them into smaller groups. To ensure a strong chain, make sure your pawns are arranged in an inverted V. However, be careful when arranging your pawns and make sure they will not prevent your pieces, particularly the bishop, from moving freely.
  • Hanging or isolated pawns are typically a liability, so avoid them up until towards the end of the game. Doubled pawns are weak, so avoid them as much as you can.

  • Develop your bishops early to prevent them from being bogged by your pawns, which can block the diagonal movements.
  • Bishops do well with open diagonals. A pair of bishops in this type of set up can put you at an advantage.

  • Figure out the value and plan the movement of your knights accordingly. They typically play well in locked and complex positions.
  • You could get an upper hand over your opponent if you have knights on d6 and e6, so try to place them there and make sure they have good support.
  • Keep your knights in the center of the board where they play well, unless your tactical plan requires them to be on the sides.

  • Rooks are like bishops, so they play better with a few open files. Control open files with them. Consider two rooks in a similar open file to make it easier to attack.
  • Positioning a rook on the seventh or eighth row can be troublesome for your opponent. Two rooks there may provide gain of material or a mating attack.